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1800 HURT 511

El bufete de abogados Sanders

Truck Accidents
Attorneys in Queens

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    Personal Injury Firm
    in USA

Abogados de accidentes de camiones en Queens en Queens, Nueva York Queens Oficina

163-07 Depot Road, Suite 101
Flushing NY 11358

104-70 Queens Blvd., #501
Forest Hills NY 11375

Los camioneros son trabajadores esenciales que ayudan a que Queens y el resto de la ciudad de Nueva York sigan funcionando. Los residentes, las empresas y las oficinas de Queens dependen de los conductores de camiones para transportar alimentos, mercancías y correo al municipio.

Pero la seguridad de los camiones es un gran desafío para la ciudad. Se han producido accidentes tanto en las calles residenciales de Queens como en las numerosas autopistas y carreteras principales de la ciudad. Trágicamente, muchos de estos Los accidentes de camiones han lesionado e incluso han matado a conductores, peatones y ciclistas.

Si usted o un miembro de su familia resultó herido en un accidente de camión en Queens, ya sabe la gravedad de las lesiones por accidente de camión. Cuando su salud y sus medios de vida están en juego, necesita una representación legal agresiva.

Los abogados de accidentes de camiones de Hurt511 conocen las tácticas que utilizan las compañías de camiones y seguros para rechazar reclamos. Saben lo que se necesita para probar la culpa por parte del conductor del camión, la empresa de transporte y otras partes responsables. Nuestros abogados lucharán en su nombre para tratar de recuperar la compensación máxima que necesita y merece por sus facturas médicas y más.

Llene un formulario de evaluación de caso gratuito o llame al 1-800-HURT-511 para hablar con un abogado de accidentes de camiones y conocer el valor de su caso.

Preguntas frecuentes

Frequently Asked Personal Injury Questions

How Common Are Truck Accidents?

They’re more common than you might think, unfortunately. Approximately 500,000 truck accidents occur every year, according to the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). And of those truck accidents, an average of 5,000 of them are fatal crashes.



When and Where Do Trucking Accidents Happen?

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the majority (52%) of truck-related accidents occur on major roads. Interstates and freeways are also frequent locations for truck accidents, with 33% of trucking accidents occurring on these roads. Minor roads were the site of just 15% of all truck accidents.

Additionally, half of all truck deaths occur between 6 AM and 3 PM, or during daytime hours, according to IIHS.



Why Are Truck Accidents So Dangerous?

Out of all fatal crashes involving a large truck and a passenger crashes in 2018, 96% of those crashes were fatal for the passenger vehicle driver, according to the IIHS. But why are truck accidents so dangerous and so often fatal? There are many factors at play.

First off, the sheer size of trucks makes truck accidents far more deadly. Loaded commercial trucks weigh as much as 30 times as much as passenger cars. This is why collisions between trucks and cars are often the deadliest accidents on the road.

Trucks also take longer to stop and break. A loaded tractor-trailer requires up to a 40 percent greater distance than a typical passenger vehicle to stop, according to the USDOT. That distance can be even greater if there are dangerous road conditions. This requires truck drivers to be alert and extra-observant of their surroundings at all times, in case they must come to a sudden stop.

And finally, some trucks, like chemical tankers, haul hazardous chemicals. A crash with one of these trucks could result in dangerous chemical spills, exposure to toxic chemicals, and even explosions.

How Can Motorists Avoid Truck Accidents?

There are a few things motorists can do to stay safe while on the road with truck drivers, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), including:

  • Be aware of a truck driver’s blind spots, which are larger than a regular motor vehicle. If you can’t see the truck driver in his or her vehicle side mirror, the truck driver most likely can’t see you, so avoid driving in those blind spots.
  • A truck driver’s largest blind spot is on the right side of the vehicle. To pass a truck safely, shift to the left lane, and signal your intentions where the driver can see you before passing the truck. Never pass a truck from the right line.
  • Never tailgate a truck. Leave plenty of distance between you and the truck ahead. This is important because trucks have a higher clearance off the ground than passenger vehicles. If you are rear-ended, you run the risk of being pushed under the truck ahead during the crash.
  • Drive safely and predictably. Avoid aggressive driving, weaving through traffic, and be sure to never “cut off” a truck, as it may not be able to break in time to avoid colliding with your car.

It’s important to remember that a motorist can take every safety precaution on the road and still get involved in a terrible truck accident. Truck drivers have a greater responsibility than the average motorist to drive safely and diligently.

If an accident happens and you or someone you love gets hurt, call 1-800-HURT-511 to speak with a truck accident attorney who can help you pursue justice and compensation.



What Could I Recover in a Truck Accident Lawsuit?

Every truck accident is different. The damages or compensation you could recover after your truck accident case completely depends on the unique details and circumstances surrounding your case. However, the types of damages your attorney could pursue on your behalf include:

Economic damages, which compensate for losses that are financial in nature. These include medical bills, lost wages, the cost of replacing your car, loss of your ability to work after the accident, and more.

Non-economic damages, which compensate for losses that are not financial in nature, but are still important to leading a happy and successful life. These include pain and suffering, anguish, loss of companionship, disability, disfigurement, and more.

Additionally, you may able to recover compensation via a third-party claim. A third-party claim means that another party other than the truck driver had some responsibility for the accident, such as the manufacturer of a defective part of the truck or the mechanic who was responsible for servicing or repairing the truck. Call 1-800-HURT-511 to speak with a Queens truck accident attorney who can help you determine if you could pursue a claim against a third party.



How Does Hurt511 Work?

Hurt511 works in few simple steps:

1. Fill out this form or call 1-800-HURT-511.
2. Take 30 seconds to answer a few questions to see what your case is worth.
3. Connect with attorneys in your area who will fight for you—always on a contingency-fee basis.
4. Receive your settlement.



You Have the Right to a Lawyer

Regardless of your immigration status, if you were hurt in a truck accident, you have a protected right to high-quality legal representation from an attorney. Call 1-800-HURT-511 to speak with a Queens truck accident lawyer who will guide you through every step of the legal process and fight to recover compensation on your behalf.

1-800-HURT-511 has a tried-and-true record of success recovering big settlements for truck accident victims in all five boroughs of New York City, Long Island, and New Jersey. Call 1-800-HURT-511 for a free case evaluation today.



google Trusted Reviews

De nuestras clientas

Stephanie De La Cruz

Yo era un pasajero de UBER y el auto chocó por detrás con una camioneta utilitaria. Llamé al 1-800-HURT-511 porque un amigo se ocupó de ellos antes y me alegré de haberlo hecho. Mi abogado fue extremadamente profesional y agresivo cuando fue necesario . Fue transparente desde el principio y no complicó las cosas innecesariamente.

Stephanie De La Cruz
Jordan Barnes

Esfuerzo de equipo serio de todo el personal para que mi caso de lesiones laborales se resuelva rápidamente. Construyeron un caso sólido y me mantuvieron informado durante todo el tiempo. Este equipo también cumplió en dos ocasiones anteriores y lo hizo de una manera muy rentable. ¡Un cliente fiel de por vida, gracias!

Jordan Barnes
Kevin Diaz

¡Recomiendo encarecidamente HURT-511! Cuando las compañías de seguros me rechazaron después de un aterrador accidente de scooter que casi me mata, ¡un abogado de HURT-511 se quedó y luchó por mí y recuperó toda la póliza! Su personal está bien informado y siempre disponible para responder mis preguntas. Me trataron como a uno de los suyos y tomé la decisión correcta de seguir con ellos. ¡Muchas gracias!

Kevin Diaz
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Nuestras ubicaciones

    163-07 Depot Road, Suite 101
    Flushing NY 11358

    104-70 Queens Blvd., #501
    Forest Hills NY 11375


    2932 Wilkinson Ave,
    The Bronx, NY 10461


    1733 Sheepshead Bay Rd, Suite 43
    Brooklyn NY 11235


    100 Herricks Road,
    Mineola NY 11501

    100 Garden City Plaza, Suite 500
    Garden City NY 11530

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