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    Personal Injury Firm
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Abogados de compensación laboral en el Bronx en Bronx, Nueva York Bronx Oficina

2932 Wilkinson Ave,
The Bronx NY 10461

El Bronx no podría funcionar sin el arduo trabajo y la dedicación de los trabajadores de todo el municipio. Desde operadores de trenes y autobuses y trabajadores de la construcción hasta taxistas y enfermeras, estos son los trabajadores esenciales que mantienen al Bronx en movimiento.

Pero todo este arduo trabajo conlleva el riesgo de sufrir lesiones en el lugar de trabajo. Muchos de estos profesionales, incluidos los trabajadores de la construcción y de la salud, tienen las tasas más altas de lesiones en el trabajo de todas las demás ocupaciones.

Si fue víctima de una lesión en el lugar de trabajo en el Bronx, no tiene que pasar por el proceso de compensación para trabajadores por su cuenta. Las compañías de seguros lucharán con uñas y dientes para minimizar o denegar su reclamo de compensación laboral válido.

Los abogados de compensación para trabajadores de la oficina de Hurt511 en el Bronx están listos para manejar todos los detalles de su reclamo de compensación para trabajadores en su nombre, para que pueda concentrarse en su salud y recuperación.

Llame al 1-800-HURT-511 para comunicarse con un abogado de compensación de trabajadores del Bronx que lo ayudará a usted y a su familia en cada paso del proceso legal.

Preguntas frecuentes

Frequently Asked Personal Injury Questions

What Are the Most Common Types of Workplace Injuries?

Any injury that happens while on-the-job is a workplace injury. While heavy labor jobs have a greater risk of injury, a workplace injury can happen even in an office setting. Consider a repetitive stress injury that results from years of typing.

The most common types of workplace injuries include:

● Being struck by falling objects
● Being stuck or caught in moving machinery
● Slips, trips, and falls
● Repetitive stress injury
● Car accidents
● Exposure to loud noises or toxic chemicals
● Fires, explosions, and burns
● Strain and overexertion

Some of these injuries, such as repetitive stress, can take time to develop but can be debilitating if not diagnosed or treated. If you believe you had one of these types of injuries, don’t hesitate to tell your employer. Don’t wait for the injury to become too painful to ignore.



Am I Suing My Employer if I File for Workers’ Compensation?

No, you are not suing your employer. In fact, by filing a workers’ compensation claim, you are agreeing not to sue your employer for damages.

This agreement is mutually beneficial for both workers and employers: workers’ compensation covers the employee’s medical bills, rehabilitation costs, and some lost wages, while the employer is protected against being sued for the workplace accident.

But just because you cannot hold your employer liable for your injuries does not mean that another party may not be liable in some way. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney in the Bronx understands that the negligence or carelessness of a third-party–such as a subcontractor or the manufacturer of a defective product–could have caused your injuries.

To learn if you may be able to pursue legal action against a third-party after your work injury, dial 1-800-HURT-511 to speak with a workers’ compensation lawyer today.



What Should I Do If I Was Hurt on the Job?

There are a few important steps you must follow after a workplace injury in order to be able to file a workers’ compensation claim.

First of all, seek medical attention right away after your accident. Workplace injuries can be particularly dangerous and deadly, so it is important to see your doctor even if you’re not in pain.

Then, you must report your injury to your manager, boss, or supervisor and provide details about how the injury occurred. The sooner you inform them of your injury, the better. From there, you can complete a claim for workers’ compensation.

You will also want to contact an attorney who can help guide you along the workers’ compensation filing process. An attorney can also determine if a third-party could be liable for your on-the-job injury.

Don’t forget: Until you report your injury and submit your claim, your employer is not obligated to provide benefits. Don’t hesitate to report your injury right away. You have only 30 days to inform your employer or supervisor about your injury, or else you risk losing your right to pursue workers’ compensation benefits.



What Benefits Am I Entitled to Under Workers’ Compensation?

In New York, you are entitled to the following workers’ compensation benefits:

Monetary Benefits: Under workers’ compensation, you are eligible for cash benefits to compensate for your lost wages. The exact amount of your cash benefits is determined by your average weekly wages prior to the workplace injury, multiplied by the percentage of your disability.

Medical Benefits: If you were the victim of a workplace injury, your workers’ compensation covers all of the necessary medical care you need as a result of your injury. Some insurance providers may dispute whether a certain type of medical care is related to your workplace injury and therefore covered under workers’ compensation.

A workplace injury attorney can help challenge these insurance company disputes on your behalf, so you can receive all of the medical care you are entitled to after your accident.

Social Security Benefits: If you become seriously or permanently disabled due to your workplace injury, you may be eligible for monthly Social Security benefits. A workers’ compensation attorney can help you determine if you would qualify for these benefits.

Vocational Rehabilitation: In the event that you are unable to return to your previous job due to your workplace injury, you are entitled to help in finding new employment.

Death Benefits: In the event that the worker dies from their workplace injury, that worker’s family could be eligible for weekly cash benefits of an amount equal to two-thirds of that worker’s weekly wage.



How Does HURT511 Work?

In just four simple steps, Hurt511 can help with your case:

1. Fill out this form or call 1-800-HURT-511.
2. Take 30 seconds to answer a few questions to see what your case is worth.
3. Connect with attorneys in your area who will fight for you—always on a contingency-fee basis.
4. Receive your settlement.



TWU Local 100 Workers’ Compensation: What to Do If You’re Injured at Work

If you are a member of TWU Local 100, read about TWU Local 100 Workers’ Comp rights.

Protegemos sus derechos a la representación legal

Tiene derecho a la representación legal de un abogado de compensación laboral que se dedique a luchar por usted, independientemente de su estado migratorio. Marque 1-800-HURT-511 y se le comunicará con un abogado de compensación para trabajadores del Bronx que lo guiará a través de sus opciones legales.

1-800-HURT-511 tiene un historial comprobado de éxito en la recuperación de grandes asentamientos en nombre de los trabajadores lesionados en los cinco condados de la ciudad de Nueva York, Long Island y Nueva Jersey. Llame al 1-800-HURT-511 para una evaluación gratuita de su caso hoy.

google Trusted Reviews

De nuestras clientas

Stephanie De La Cruz

Yo era un pasajero de UBER y el auto chocó por detrás con una camioneta utilitaria. Llamé al 1-800-HURT-511 porque un amigo se ocupó de ellos antes y me alegré de haberlo hecho. Mi abogado fue extremadamente profesional y agresivo cuando fue necesario . Fue transparente desde el principio y no complicó las cosas innecesariamente.

Stephanie De La Cruz
Jordan Barnes

Esfuerzo de equipo serio de todo el personal para que mi caso de lesiones laborales se resuelva rápidamente. Construyeron un caso sólido y me mantuvieron informado durante todo el tiempo. Este equipo también cumplió en dos ocasiones anteriores y lo hizo de una manera muy rentable. ¡Un cliente fiel de por vida, gracias!

Jordan Barnes
Kevin Diaz

¡Recomiendo encarecidamente HURT-511! Cuando las compañías de seguros me rechazaron después de un aterrador accidente de scooter que casi me mata, ¡un abogado de HURT-511 se quedó y luchó por mí y recuperó toda la póliza! Su personal está bien informado y siempre disponible para responder mis preguntas. Me trataron como a uno de los suyos y tomé la decisión correcta de seguir con ellos. ¡Muchas gracias!

Kevin Diaz
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Nuestras ubicaciones

    163-07 Depot Road, Suite 101
    Flushing NY 11358

    104-70 Queens Blvd., #501
    Forest Hills NY 11375


    2932 Wilkinson Ave,
    The Bronx, NY 10461


    1733 Sheepshead Bay Rd, Suite 43
    Brooklyn NY 11235


    100 Herricks Road,
    Mineola NY 11501

    100 Garden City Plaza, Suite 500
    Garden City NY 11530

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