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Slip & Fall Accident Lawyer In NYC

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How 1-800-HURT-511 can help after your slip and fall accident!

Slip and fall accidents in New York typically occur due to unsafe or dangerous conditions on a public or private property and often result from negligence by the premises owner. Slip and falls can and do happen for a variety of reasons, but often, there is some amount of negligence involved. Slip and fall accidents can be very dangerous, especially in congested boroughs like Brooklyn or Queens, and can cause serious injuries and a lifetime of physical, mental and emotional stress. Expert personal injury attorneys at 1-800-HURT511 ensure our clients receive fair compensation in these instances.

But what makes slip and fall accidents so dangerous? From the Slip, Trip and Fall Experts at NFSI, here are 6 facts that highlight why slip and fall accidents are so dangerous:

  • More than one million people go to the emergency room each year for slip and fall accidents. Every year, over one million people are hospitalized due to a slip and fall accident. Over the course of a year, that comes out to 2,000 hospitalizations a day.
  • Half of all accidental deaths in the home are caused by a fall. Even though slip and fall accidents are often the most serious for older adults, they’re a leading cause of injury for all age groups.
  • About one-third of adults over 65 fall each year. Unfortunately, the fact is, the older we get, the more likely falls are to happen, and the more serious a fall injury is likely to be. In fact, with age your likelihood of falling increases and you are more likely to have a more serious injury as a result of your accident. Moreover, close to 60% of nursing home residents fall every year.

SLIP AND FALLS ARE A LEADING CAUSE OF INJURY ACROSS ALL AGE GROUPS. Slip and falls remain the most common way non-fatal injuries occur for every age group except for people between the ages of 10 and 24, where it is the second leading cause of such injuries.

  • Falls are the leading cause of brain injury. The primary cause of brain injuries is falling. A brain injury can be devastating because the victim may not even realize the extent of their injuries. A brain injury can have lasting effects on everyone close to or associated with a victim.
  • Falls are the most common cause of hip fractures. Falls are responsible for at least 95 percent of hip fractures. These types of injuries often require expensive surgery and painful rehabilitation. A hip fracture can change your life dramatically. If you or a loved one is the victim of a hip fracture as a result of a slip and fall, contact us right away.
  • Slip and Falls are the leading cause of work injuries. Slips and falls are the main cause of worker’s compensation claims and are the leading cause of occupational injury for people aged 55 years and older. If you have been injured at work and need to contact a worker’s compensation lawyer, give us a call right away. We specialize in getting compensation for our clients. Call now 1-800-HURT-511 (1-800-487-8511). You may also reach us by filling out a form online. Click here to fill out a workers compensation contact form.

At HURT 511, we specialize in helping our personal injury clients in Brooklyn, Queens and all over New York City. Our goal is to work on slip and fall cases, and if possible, get fair compensation on our clients behalf.  If you  have questions, or would like to speak with a lawyer about your case, give us a call at 1-800-HURT-511 or (1-800-487-8511). We are available 24/7. Call today!

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Стефани Де ла Крус

Я был пассажиром UBER, и машину сзади сбил грузовой фургон. Я позвонил по номеру 1-800-HURT-511, так как друг уже имел с ними дело, и я был рад, что я это сделал. Мой адвокат был предельно профессиональным и агрессивным при необходимости . Он был прозрачен с самого начала и не усложнял дела без надобности.

Стефани Де ла Крус
Джордан Барнс

Серьезные командные усилия всего персонала для быстрого разрешения моего случая производственной травмы. Они построили прочное дело и держали меня в курсе все время. Эта команда также выполнила два предыдущих раза, и сделала это очень рентабельным способом. Верный клиент на всю жизнь, спасибо!

Джордан Барнс
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    163-07 Depot Road, Suite 101
    Flushing NY 11358

    104-70 Queens Blvd., #501
    Forest Hills NY 11375


    2932 Wilkinson Ave,
    The Bronx NY 10461


    1733 Sheepshead Bay Rd, Suite 43
    Brooklyn NY 11235


    100 Herricks Road,
    Mineola NY 11501

    100 Garden City Plaza, Suite 500
    Garden City NY 11530

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