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1 800 HURT 511

How To Choose The Best Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Accidents happen all the time at work, and such is the main reason why workers compensation insurance exists. When an employee gets injured or sick as a result of a work-related accident or poor working conditions, they’re encouraged to file a workers compensation claim so they can be compensated for expenses related to their injuries.

But a workers compensation claim can be denied, or an injured employee can get an award that’s smaller than what they need to cover expenses. To help prevent the above scenarios from happening, a lot of injured employees hire a workers compensation lawyer to handle the process on their behalf.

Hiring a workers compensation lawyer is a smart move for a variety of reasons, but how is an injured employee supposed to go about finding the best workers compensation lawyer? After all, there are thousands of them practicing in the US. Read on to find out.

Call 1-800-HURT-511 when you’re looking to hire a workers’ compensation lawyer in Queens. We’ve been representing accident victims for over a decade, and we’ve secured hundreds of favorable judgments for our clients.


What Are You Looking To Get From Hiring A Workers’ Comp Lawyer?

Before you hire a workers’ compensation lawyer, you should have clear expectations. Ask yourself the following questions, for the answers will collectively indicate whether hiring a workers compensation lawyer is a good move or not:

  • Do you want to hire a lawyer so they can handle the process for you?
  • Are you fine with giving up 33% of your award (if you receive one) as payment for the lawyer’s assistance?
  • Do you believe your claim will be denied without professional legal assistance?
  • Do you anticipate the claim will end up in court, where having a lawyer on your side would be valuable?

How To Search For A Workers Comp Lawyer Online

These days, most lawyers have an online presence. However, some law firms have a strong online presence whereas other firms just have a basic website that includes the essential info along with a contact form. In general, it’s best to steer clear of firms that don’t have an updated website as well as firms that don’t have a lot of information about their practice on their website. An undeveloped or out-of-date site can indicate the firm doesn’t see the value in having a strong online presence that’s attractive to potential clients. Here’s how you can find top-quality workers comp lawyers online:

Search Engines

Use popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. All you have to do is type in a keywords like “workers’ compensation lawyers near me” and you’ll immediately get several relevant results. You should only stick with the sites on page one, and look through paid-promotion sites as well as those that aren’t promoted.

Reviews Sites

There are also a handful of lawyer reviews sites one can use to find a good lawyer. On these sites, former clients write testimonials and give ratings. There’s also basic information about listed lawyers. Some reliable and popular lawyer reviews sites are:

  • Avvo
  • com
  • Martindale-Hubbell
  • NOLO
  • Better Business Bureau (BBB)

What To Look For In A Workers Compensation Lawyer

If you’re hiring a workers compensation lawyer to help you navigate the claim process, it’s essential to hire somebody who’ll work well with you. The process may take awhile, so you should avoid giving your business to somebody who’s not going to operate with your best interests in mind. Here’s what you should look for when you’re searching for a workers compensation lawyer:


It’s best to only give your business to an experienced workers comp lawyer. A lawyer who’s been practicing this kind of law for years will most likely serve you well. Make sure the lawyer knows this area of law inside and out. Have they defended workers comp insurance companies as well as workers comp applicants? That would be a plus. It’s also best to hire a lawyer who has many wins under their belt.


Credentials are incredibly important in the legal sphere. You should hire a lawyer who possesses a law degree from a reputed law school, and the lawyer should also be in good standing with the state bar. Additionally, they should be regularly updating their credentials.

Professional Associations

Hiring a lawyer who’s a member of professional associations is a good idea. Most practicing lawyers are part of the American Bar Association, and a workers comp lawyer may also be part of a workers comp professional association. Additionally, they could possess a board certification from the National Board of Trial Advocacy as well as several certifications related to workers comp. Moreover, a lawyer who has a lot of connections can often tap into some valuable resources on behalf of their clients.


If a lawyer has published journal articles, a blog, or other works outside their practice that demonstrate they’re up to date on current legal topics, such likely indicates that they know workers compensation law inside and out.

Inspiring Confidence

A true professional will demonstrate that they’re confident in their abilities, and they’ll also be pleasant when interacting with potential clients. Furthermore, they’ll be patient and attentive when discussing a potential client’s situation, and they’ll address any concerns the individual may have.


It’s also good to hire a lawyer who’s respectful. Hiring somebody who sporadically answers your calls once the process is in motion is not the way to go. A lawyer should keep you updated on what’s going on, and if your lawyer is ever rude or dismissive, it’s best to take your business elsewhere.

Which Workers Compensation Lawyers Are Best In NYC?

When you need best-in-class legal representation to help you file a workers compensation claim, call 1-800-HURT-511. Our workers compensation attorneys in the Bronx are workers compensation experts, and we’ll represent your interests in court (should your claim go to trial). When you enlist the help of our firm, we’ll treat you like family, and we’ll make sure you can focus on recovering while we handle all the hassles associated with filing a workers compensation claim.

Slip & Fall Lawyer Frequently Asked Questions

Slip & Fall Lawyer FAQ

As leading slip and fall lawyers, we’ve been asked so many questions about slip and fall cases over the years. Below are some common and unique questions that you should know the answers to before you file a slip and fall lawsuit.

Call 1-800-HURT-511 to speak with our slip and fall lawyers. We’ve secured favorable judgments for slip and fall victims throughout the Five Boroughs, and we’ll make sure you get properly compensated for your injuries.


What Causes Individuals To Slip And Fall?

The following factors often cause individuals to slip and fall:

  • Wet and slippery floors
  • Ice and snow
  • Defective surfaces like torn carpet, broken tiles, and eroding steps
  • Poor lighting
  • Unmarked hazards
  • Uneven surfaces
  • Debris

Where Do Individuals Slip And Fall The Most (Outside Their Homes)?

Below are common locations where individuals may slip and fall:

  • Workplaces
  • Sidewalks
  • Apartment buildings
  • Private residences
  • Retail stores
  • Supermarkets
  • Theme parks
  • Concert venues
  • Sports stadiums
  • Government buildings
  • Subways
  • Construction sites
  • Public parks & trails

Who’s Liable In A Slip And Fall Case?

In the instance where an individual slips, falls, and gets injured while on another’s property, it’s often the owner of the property where the injury occurred who’s held liable for damages. All slip and fall cases fall under an area of law known as premises liability. Under this doctrine, a property owner is expected to prevent against foreseeable accidents, and they’re also expected to keep their property in good condition.

If there are hazards present on the property, these must be properly marked. If an individual slips, falls, and gets injured at a property where they’re either a guest or someone conducting business, they may sue the property owner for negligence under premises liability law.

Which Injuries Are Common In Slip And Fall Cases?

While a variety of injuries can result from slipping and falling, the ones listed below are the most common:

  • Muscle tears & strains
  • Broken bones
  • Dislocations
  • Cuts and bruises
  • Sprains
  • Knee damage
  • A traumatic brain injury TBI)
  • Concussions
  • A broken pelvis

Can I Sue My Neighbor If I Slipped & Fell At Their Property?

If you were invited to somebody’s home as a guest, and you slipped and fell during your time there, you may be able to recover damages from the homeowner who invited you if certain conditions are met. Homeowners are responsible for telling their guests about any dangerous conditions that exist on their property, and a homeowner is also expected to keep the property in good condition (under premises liability law).

If, for example, a house guest is in the basement and they slip and fall because they stepped on a puddle that’s in front of a washer that the homeowner knows is prone to leaking, it’s likely the house guest would be able to successfully sue for damages because the homeowner did not take necessary steps to fix the problem, nor did they tell their guest about it.

What Happens If I Slipped And Fell At A Rental Property?

Slip and fall cases are often complex when they involve tenants and landlords. While landlords are responsible for maintaining their properties, there are instances where a renter’s negligence creates the hazardous condition which caused them to slip and fall. A renter may also fail to make a hazard known to their landlord in a timely manner, and in this instance the landlord wouldn’t be liable if the hazard ended up injuring the renter.

If you’re renting in Brooklyn and you believe a recent fall was because of your landlord’s negligence, contact our slip and fall lawyers in Brooklyn immediately.

What Do I Do If I Slipped And Fell At Work?

If you slip, fall, and get injured at your workplace or in the course of performing work responsibilities, then it’s likely you’ll be compensated for your injuries through your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance. Not all employers, however, are required to carry this insurance, and not all slip and fall accidents are covered. For example, if you slipped and fell while horsing around with one of your coworkers, your injuries will not be covered. The same goes for those who slip and fall on the job while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

How Do You Sue A Store Where You Slipped And Fell?

Under premises liability law, store owners are responsible for keeping their properties safe for their customers and employees. Regular inspections should be conducted to ensure there are no dangerous conditions, and if dangerous conditions are found, these must be marked properly so customers and employees steer clear.

For example, if you’re at the local pharmacy and you slip on a puddle of spilled medicine—and it seems the substance had been there for awhile and there was no warning indicating the danger—a court may find that the hazard could’ve been corrected, in which case the store owner would be obligated to pay you damages.

Can I Sue If I Slipped In A Parking Lot Because Of Ice?

In most states, property owners aren’t required to deal with ice and snow accumulation. However, there are instances where abnormal ice and snow accumulation lead to slip and fall injuries, and in these instances it’s typically found that property owners should’ve done something to mitigate the ice and snow accumulation. Moreover, if a property owner is contractually obligated to provide ice and snow removal services for their tenants, they must do an adequate job, or else they risk being held liable for a slip and fall injury.

Do Slip And Fall Cases Involve Building Code Violations?

If a property owner violated local codes and these violations led to an individual slipping, falling, and getting hurt on the property, the building owner will most likely be help liable for not keeping their property up to code. For example, if local code mandates that all exterior steps must have handrails, and a guest slips on your steps and there aren’t any handrails present, the injured party may cite the code violation (the handrails being absent) as the reason why they slipped and fell.

Should I Hire A Lawyer After I Slip And Fall?

There are many reasons why hiring a lawyer is a good move after you’ve been injured from slipping and falling at somebody else’s property. A qualified and experienced slip and fall lawyer will navigate the legal process on your behalf, and they’ll make sure all fault-bearing parties are sued for damages. They’ll also make sure you demand fair compensation, and should your case go to trial, they’ll be able to represent your interests in court in front of a judge and jury.

Call the Sanders Law Firm now at 1-800-HURT-511 to speak with our highly sought after slip and fall lawyers. Whether you’re in Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, or NYC, we’ll represent you.

Workers Compensation Law FAQ

Workers Compensation Law FAQ

If you’ve been injured at work, it’s likely many questions are running through your mind right now. Especially if a work-related injury has prevented you from working and earning, there’s a good chance you’re worried about what’s going to happen next. Use this article to answer the questions you may have about workers’ compensation claims. And when it’s time to file a claim, reach out to our workers’ compensation lawyers.

Call 1-800-HURT-511 when you need to speak to a workers comp lawyer at the Sanders Law Firm. We have been representing injured workers in Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and NYC for over a decade, and we’ll help you navigate the workers’ compensation claim process so you get the compensation you’re owed.

What Is Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation insurance is a type of insurance that a business will get to prevent its employees from filing lawsuits based on work-related injuries and illnesses. An employee who’s injured as a result of their work will be compensated through their employer’s workers’ compensation insurance, if their claim is approved, and the employer will avoid all the costs associated with a lawsuit.

Are Businesses Required To Have Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

Different rules apply in different states. New York businesses are required to have workers’ compensation insurance, though there are exceptions.

What Is Workers’ Compensation Used To Cover?

Workers’ compensation is used to cover expenses associated with a work-related injury or illness. These expenses can be medical bills, lost wages, and long-term medical care. If an individual died as a result of a work-related injury or illness, their family can recover their workers’ compensation to cover funeral costs and other expenses.

Which Injuries Are Not Covered By Workers’ Compensation?

Every injury that happens on the job is not covered by Worker’s Compensation. State laws and other regulations determine which injuries are covered by workers’ comp and which aren’t. Most workers’ comp insurance plans do not cover the injuries described below

  • If an employee was injured during a fight with another employee.
  • If an employee is injured because they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • If an employee is injured in the course of breaking company policies and/or the law.
  • If an employee claims emotional injury but there’s no physical injury, it’s likely insurance won’t cover this.

Wondering whether or not an injury you sustained at work is covered by workers’ compensation insurance? Reach out to our workers comp lawyers in Brooklyn. They’ll know right away if your injury is covered by workers’ compensation or not.

Do Employees Pay For Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

No, employees do not pay for workers’ compensation insurance. The employer is solely responsible for covering the cost of workers’ compensation insurance. A lot of factors determine the cost of workers’ compensation insurance, including:

  • State laws
  • The size of a business
  • How many employees an employer has
  • How dangerous the work is

What Should An Employee Do If They Get Hurt On The Job?

When an employee gets injured at work, the first thing they should do—if they’re physically able to—is notify their employer that the injury occurred. They should make a formal, detailed report in writing, but an employee who needs immediate medical attention will not be expected to file a report immediately.

Each state has different reporting requirements, but every state encourages injured employees to file for workers’ compensation as soon as possible. Individuals with work-related illnesses should file once a diagnosis has been given.

In New York, an injured employee has 30 days to report a work-related injury once an injury has occurred. If a work-related injury did not present immediately, an employee will have two years to file a workers’ compensation claim.

How Is A Workers’ Compensation Claim Supposed To Be Filed?

Employers are responsible for filing their employees’ workers’ compensation claims. An employer must also make sure their employee gets proper medical attention when an injury occurs. Even if the injury does not necessitate an immediate trip to the emergency room, an employer must still make sure their employee gets medical treatment if they’re hurt while on the job.

Furthermore, an employer will need certain pieces of information before they can file a claim, including:

  • Company information
  • Policy information
  • Information from the injured employee
  • An accurate account of what happened

Once an employer has everything they need to file a claim, they must file immediately, as they may be penalized for delaying filing.

How Often Do Workers’ Comp Claims Go To Trial?

Approximately 5% of workers’ compensation claims end up in court. An injured employee may take a claim to court if they believe they weren’t awarded an adequate compensation amount. Also, a claim can be taken to court if it was denied by the insurance provider.

How Often Do Workers’ Compensation Claims Get Rejected?

A lot of workers’ comp claims get denied, and some estimates have found that as many as 25% of claims get rejected immediately. A lot of factors can cause a workers’ comp insurance provider to reject a claim.

For example, if an injured employee did not get medical care at a specific doctor, this may prevent them from receiving compensation. Similarly, if an injured employee has a preexisting condition at the time the injury occurs, an insurance provider may argue that the injury was not related to work and instead related to the preexisting condition.

How Big Are Workers’ Compensation Awards?

A variety of factors determine how much compensation an injured employee will receive from their claim. On average, injured employees received $20,000, though an employee can get anywhere from $2,000 to $40,000. Generally speaking, the more severe and debilitating the injury, the higher the compensation amount.

Is Hiring A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Worth It?

There are many reasons why it’s smart to hire a workers comp lawyer. A workers comp lawyer will make sure your claim is filed properly, and they’ll also deal with the insurance company on your behalf if things get complicated. And if your claim gets denied and ends up in court, a workers comp lawyer will steadfastly defend your interests in court.

Call us at 1-800-HURT-511 to speak with our work comp lawyers. We’ll represent you whether you’re in Queens, NYC, Brooklyn, or the Bronx. We’ve been representing injured workers for years, and protecting the rights of workers is incredibly important to us.

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Stephanie De La Cruz

I was an UBER passenger and the car got rear-ended by a utility van. I called 1-800-HURT-511 since a friend dealt with them before and I was glad I did. My attorney was extremely professional and aggressive when necessary. He was transparent from the start and didn’t complicate things unnecessarily.

Stephanie De La Cruz
Jordan Barnes

Serious team effort from the entire staff to get my work injury case resolved quickly. They built a strong case and kept me in the loop for the duration. This team also delivered on two previous occasions and did it in a very cost-effective way. A faithful customer for life thank you!

Jordan Barnes
Kevin Diaz

I highly recommend HURT-511! When the insurance companies turned me away after a scary scooter accident that nearly killed me, a lawyer at HURT-511 stayed and fought for me and recovered the entire policy! Their staff is well-informed and always available to answer my questions. They treated me like one of their own and I made the right decision to stick with them. Thank you so much!

Kevin Diaz
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