Having auto insurance helps you to make sure that your car is protected from risks. In most states, drivers are required to carry a certain amount of coverage. To keep that policy in effect, you’ll need to pay on time. Most insurance policies last for six months, but some go for longer, even up to a year. You have to make sure that your car insurance plans are always up to date. This can help you avoid problems if you run into a car accident in Bronx.
What penalties are expected for drivers without insurance?
If a driver doesn’t have the required auto insurance and lets it lapse, the Department of Highway Safety could take away the license, plates, and registration for up to three years. You can avoid getting your license taken away if you show proof that you have insurance. Depending on the situation, you may have to pay anywhere from $150 to more than $500 to get your license back. The Department of Highway Safety can take away a driver’s license and registration for up to 20 years if a court in NYC finds that the driver at fault caused damage. If you are caught driving without insurance more than once, you could go to jail.
Who is to be held responsible for NY car accidents?
NY is a “no-fault” insurance state, which means that when a car accident in Bronx happens, each person must first file a claim under their own required personal injury protection policy to get the cost of damages paid. When both drivers have the required insurance, the question of who was at fault only comes up when there are serious or catastrophic injuries or death. When accidents have terrible results, the person hurt may be able to sue the person who caused the accident for extra damages that aren’t covered by insurance. When one or more drivers in an auto accident don’t have the legally required insurance, fault is also a factor.
What damages does Bodily Injury Liability cover?
When a driver causes an accident with their car, bodily injury liability policies pay for damages for people who are seriously hurt or killed. Up to the limits of the policy, insurance companies will compensate for injuries. In New York, bodily injury liability insurance is not required unless you have been found guilty of driving while drunk or under the influence of drugs.
What happens if you are at fault in a car accident?
If you don’t have car insurance and cause an accident, you’ll have to pay for any damage to your car out of your own pocket and be responsible for any injuries you get. The other driver will file a claim with their PIP policy, which pays for 80% of their medical care and 60% of their lost wages if they are hurt or hospitalized and miss work. As the driver who was at fault in a car accident in Bronx, you will also have to pay for any damage to the other driver’s car. Once the other driver’s PIP policy limits have been reached, you may also have to pay for the other driver’s medical bills. If the other driver has uninsured or underinsured driver coverage, that driver can use it to pay for damage to property and injuries to people. But that doesn’t mean you’re not responsible. The other driver’s insurance company may try to get their money back from you. Keep in mind that the law lets the other driver sue you for damages if you cause serious injuries or the wrongful death of someone. If you don’t have insurance, you could lose some or all of your assets. If a court decides against you, your license, tags, and registration will be taken away for 20 years or until you pay off the judgment.
How much compensation do I receive if the other driver caused the car accident?
Because New York is a “no-fault” state, if another driver causes a car accident in Bronx while your insurance has expired, you will have to pay for your own medical care and lost wages if you have to miss work because of your injury. The other driver’s insurance will only pay for damage to your car. Even though you didn’t do anything wrong, you can expect to get a ticket for driving without insurance.
A qualified personal injury lawyer may be able to help you file a civil lawsuit against the driver who caused an accident that left you with permanent or serious injuries.
If the court rules in your favor, you may be able to get money for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, loss of consortium, and other damages that apply to your situation.
You have four years from the date of the injury to file a lawsuit, so don’t put it off. Talk to a lawyer as soon as you can.
Car accidents in NYC that involve uninsured drivers result in complex insurance claims and lawsuits. If you were injured in a car accident in Bronx and you or the other driver let your car insurance lapse, it’s in your best interest to let a skilled car accident attorney handle your claim. Our team knows how to deal with insurance companies and can advocate for you, so you have the best chance of the positive outcome in your case. Contact the experienced car accident lawyers at 1-800-HURT-511 to schedule a free consultation. We are here to give you a hand!